About Me

Thank you for visiting.

I am Timothy McGowen and I became interested in live streaming and podcasting in late 2013. I am a geek and ham radio operator who loves technology and takes my time researching something before jumping in. The technology, equipment and hands on tinkering was more than fifty percent of my interest. So I was never in a hurry to get launched.

In 2013 I was working as a Fire Captain/Paramedic for the Orange County Fire Authority in California. I worked anywhere from 56 to 144 hours a week. Between Southern California brush fires and kids in college the overtime hours add up fast.

My original goal was to start a podcast when I retired. At the time that was to be in the not too distant future. I was just too busy to make the time commitment required to maintain any semblance of consistency until that happened.

Did I mention kids in college? Well that delayed my retirement for four years. Thankfully, I retired in March of 2017. At that time I was burned out from working so much and I pod faded. I know, how can I pod fade without ever launching? Well you can.

In those four years I have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours researching, learning, planning, tinkering, and dreaming. I have listened to countless podcasts, participated in webinars, and read several books. Additionally, I have attended the National Association of Broadcasters Show, two years of the New Media Expo, and all of the Podcast Movement conferences. During this time I have gained some valuable insight.

At this point you’re still wondering what the hell? Get launched already! Your still right, I need to. Retirement has been an interesting adjustment for me and my family. They got used to me being gone for weeks at a time. Being home everyday, not so much. Retirement is also not healthy for a burned out procrastinator. With no actual timeline to crunch up against, well there is always tomorrow.

Where do I go from here. I realized talking with my podcasting friends that I have something to offer. A perspective as a listener. Many experts give you advice from their perspective. Although valuable, it is often biased given their experience as a producer and host. This often leads to not being able to see the forest for the trees.

What I want to do until my personal life settles down is to payback the podcasting community some of what it has given to me. I am willing to listen to your podcast, surf your webpage and visit your social media sites to give you my opinion as a listener. No I’m not a audio engineer, website designer, or marketing entrepreneur. I am a listener and quite possibly more representative of your target audience.

If I can be of some help just get in touch and let me know. Yes I still plan to launch but In my own time. After all I should at least publish one of the four I have planned.